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"Action on behalf of life transforms. Because the relationship between self and the world is reciprocal, it is not a question of first getting enlightened or saved and then acting. As we work to heal the earth, the earth heals us."

-Robin Wall Kimmerer

Wildlife conservation publicity:


Indigenous partnerships:


Genomic advances publicity:


Blogs & Social Media:

  • 2020 Ancient shipwreck ivory research featured in a blog by, “Study tracks elephant tusks from 16th century shipwreck”, ©, (  

  • 2020 Elephant research featured in Earth Touch (June 18), “What are these animals doing? Viral TikTok videos explained” by Melissa Cristina Márquez, 


Radio and Television:

2020 Ancient ivory research featured during a radio interview with BBC World Service programme Newshour 17Dec (feature segment ~38:50)

2018 WILL-TV and PBS broadcast featuring the PBS show “Nature” Pangolins: (Nov) 




Recent Academic Journal Publications


  • de Flamingh, A., Tom P. Gnoske, Julian C. Kerbis Peterhans, Velizar Simeonovski, Nduhiu Gitahi, Ogeto Mwebi, Bernard R. Agwanda, Julian M. Catchen, Alfred L. Roca, and Ripan Singh Malhi. (In Press - Current Biology) Compacted Hair in Broken Carnivore Teeth Reveal Dietary Prey of Historic Lions. Available at SSRN 4839630.

  • First Rider, D., Crop Eared Wolf, A., Murray, J., de Flamingh, A., Lanoe, F., DeGiorgio, M., Lindo, J., Zedeno, M.N., Malhi, R.S. & Tsosie, C. (2024) Genomic analyses correspond with deep persistence of Blackfoot Confederacy from glacial times. Science Advances 10.14 (2024): eadl6595

  • de Flamingh, A., Gnoske, T., Rivera-Colón, A.G., Simeonovski, V., Kerbis Peterhans, J.C., Yamaguchi, N., Witt, K.E., Catchen, J., Roca, A.L. & Malhi, R.S. (2024) Genomic analysis supports Cape Lion population connectivity prior to colonial eradication and extinction. Journal of Heredity (Editors Choice & Cover) 115.2 (2024): 155-165.

  • Thomas, A.E., Hill, M.E., Stricker, L., Lavin, M., Givens, D., de Flamingh, A., Witt, K.E., Malhi, R.S. and Kitchen, A. (2024) The Dogs of Tsenacomoco: Ancient DNA Reveals Presence of Local Dogs at Jamestown Colony in Early Seventeenth Century. American Antiquity (2024): 1-19.

  • de Flamingh, A., Alexander, N., Schooley, R.L., Guldemondt, R., Malhi, R.S., van Aarde, R.J. & Roca, A.L.(2024) Integrating habitat use modeling with gene flow improves delineation of landscape connections among African savanna elephants. Biodiversity Conservation 33: 3231-3252.

  • Alexander, N., de Flamingh, A., Cosentino, B.J. & Schooley, R.L. (2024) Phylogenetic assessment within a species complex of a subterranean rodent (Geomys bursarius) with conservation implications for an isolated subspecies.​ Journal of Heredity, 115(5), 565-574

  • Lanoë, F., Reuther, J., Fields, S., […], de Flamingh, A., Kemp, B.M., Malhi, R.S., Witt, K. (Accepted pending minor revision; Science Advances) Late Pleistocene onset of mutualistic human/canid (Canis spp.) relationships in subarctic Alaska.


  • Rogers-LaVanne, M.P., Bader, A., de Flamingh, A. […]  Ripan S. Malhi (2023) Association between gene methylation and experiences of historical trauma in Alaska Native Peoples. International Journal for Equity in Health, 22, 182.

  • Perrin-Stowe, T., Coon, J.J., Lynch, L.R., de Flamingh, A., Alexander, N.B., Golebie, E., Swartz, T.M., Bader, A.C., & Halsey, S.J. (2023) “Where do I even start?” Recommendations for faculty diversifying syllabi in the Life and Environmental Sciences. Ecology and Evolution, 13(1), e9719. ** top 5% of all research outputs (altmetric)

  • de Flamingh, A., Rivera-Colón, A. G., Gnoske, T. P., Kerbis Peterhans, J. C., Catchen, J., Malhi, R. S., & Roca, A. L. (2023). Numt Parser: Automated identification and removal of nuclear mitochondrial pseudogenes (numts) for accurate mitochondrial genome reconstruction in Panthera. Journal of Heredity, 114(2), 120-130.

  • de Flamingh, A., Ishida, Y., Pečnerová, P., Vilchis, S., Siegismund, H. R., Malhi, R. S., & Roca, A. L. (2023). Combining methods for non-invasive fecal DNA enables whole genome and metagenomic analyses in wildlife biology. Frontiers in Genetics, 13. ** top 5% of all research outputs (altmetric)


  • Severson, A.L., Byrd, B.F., Mallott, E.K., Owings, A.C., DeGiorgio, M., de Flamingh, A., Nijmeh, C., Arellano, M., Leventhal, A., Rosenberg, N.A. & Malhi, R.S. (2022) Ancient and modern genomics of the Ohlone Indigenous population of California. PNAS: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 119: e2111533119. ** top 5% of all research outputs (altmetric)

  • Bautista, C., Alfuraiji, N., Drangowska-Way, A., Ganwani, K., de Flamingh, A. & Bourne, P. (2022) Ten simple rules for improving communication among scientists. PLOS Computational Biology 18.6:e1010130

  • Yarlagadda, K., Zachwieja, A., de Flamingh, A., Phungviwatnikul, T., Rivera-Colón, A., Roseman, C., Shackleford, L., Swanson, K., Malhi, R. (2022) Non-Western Canid Sampling Provides Novel Insights into Pre-Industrial Microbiomes. In Press, Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences


  • de Flamingh, A., Coutu, A., Sealy, J., Chirikure, S., Bastos, A.D.S., Libanda-Mubusisi, N.M., Malhi, R.S., Roca, A.L. (2021) Sourcing Elephant Ivory from a Sixteenth-Century Portuguese Shipwreck. Current Biology 31: 621-628, DOI:


  • Buonasera, T., Eerkens, J., de Flamingh, A., Engbring, L., Yip, J., Li, H., Haas, R., DiGiuseppe, D., Grant, D., Salemi, M., Nijmeh, C., Arellano, M., Leventhal, A., Phinney, B., Byrd, B., Malhi, R.S. & Parker, G. (2020) A Comparison of Proteomic, Genomic, and Osteological Methods of Archaeological Sex Estimation. Scientific Reports 10:11897 DOI:

  • Borthwick, R., de Flamingh, A., Hesselbarth, M., Parandhaman, A., Holland, J., Wagner, H.H., and Abdel Moniem, H.E. (2020) Alternative quantifications of landscape complementarity to model gene flow in Banded Longhorn Beetle (Typocerus velutinus velutinus). Frontiers in Genetics, 11: 307 DOI:

  • de Flamingh, A., Coutu, A., Chirikure, S., Roca, A.L. & Malhi, R.S. (2020) Accurate sex identification of ancient elephant and other animal remains using low coverage DNA shotgun sequencing data G3: Genes, Genomes, Genetics, 10: 1427–1432,  DOI:


  • Zhao, K., Ishida, Y., Green, C.E., Davidson, A.G., Sitam, F.A.T., Donnelly, C.L., de Flamingh, A., Perrin-Stowe, T.I.N., Bourgeois, S., Brandt, A.L., Mundis, S.J., van Aarde, R.J., Greenberg, J.A., Malhi, R.S., Georgiadis, N.J., McEwing, R. and Roca, A.L. (2019) Loxodonta Localizer: a software tool for inferring the provenance of African elephants and their ivory using mitochondrial DNA, Journal of Heredity 110 (7): 761-768 DOI:


  • de Flamingh, A., Roca, A.L. and van Aarde, R. (2018) Origin and phylogeography of African savannah elephants (Loxodonta africana) in Kruger and nearby parks in southern Africa. Conservation Genetics, 19:155-167 DOI:

  • de Flamingh, A., Malhi, R.S., Roca, A.L. (2018) Species identification and mitochondrial genomes of ancient fish bones from the Riverine Kachemak tradition of the Kenai Peninsula, Alaska. Mitochondrial DNA: Part B, 3: 409-411 DOI:

Pre-PhD Graduate studies​​

  • de Flamingh, A., Sole, C.L. and van Aarde, R. (2015) Genetic evidence for spatial structuring in a continuous African elephant (Loxodonta africana) population, Conservation Genetics 16:613-623 DOI:

  • de Flamingh, A., Sole, C.L. and van Aarde, R. (2014) Microsatellite repeat motif and amplicon length affect amplification success of degraded faecal DNA. Conservation Genetics Resources, 6:503-505 DOI:

​Books & Book Chapters

  • van Aarde, R.J., de Flamingh, A., Fourie, J., Guldemond, R., Lee, T., Mole, M., Norgaard, C., Ntumi, C., Olivier, P., D’Araujo, S.R., Roever, C., Trimble, M., & Young, K. 2013. Elephants: A way forward. Conservation Ecology Research Unit, University of Pretoria and the International Fund for Animal Welfare, Cape Town, South Africa. (

Selected Popular Media Coverage

Wet-lab skills

  • Museum sample collection

  • DNA extraction (blood, tissue, fecal, saliva, hair, bone, teeth)

  • RNA extraction (blood)

  • Primer Design

  • Microsatellite panel design and optimization 

  • Microsatellite fragment analysis

  • Tagmentation library construction (Illumina)

  • Ancient DNA extraction

  • Ancient DNA library construction (NEB)

  • DNA Quantitation

  • Whole genome DNA fragment analysis

Field skills

  • Expedition planning

    • Field work in Botswana, Namibia, Zambia, Mozambique, South Africa, Alaska (Anchorage, Juneau, Hoonah)

  • GPS and Cartography Navigation

  • All terrain driving skills

  • Project coordination

  • Small mammal trapping 

  • Invertebrate pit-fall trapping

  • Invertebrate Biodiversity Assessments


Bioinformatic and other research skills

Coding languages

  • Python & Unix & R


  • High-throughput data quality control and manipulation

  • Whole genome and mitochondrial genome alignment (e.g. BWA Bowtie2)

  • Phylogenetic analysis (e.g. maximum likelihood/Bayesian)

  • Metagenomic approaches (e.g. blastn & MEGAN)

  • Epigenomic analysis (ancient DNA - DamMet)

  • Low-coverage genome analysis (e.g. ANGSD)

  • Structure, PCA and Admixture analysis

Landscape genetic analysis:

  • R

  • Habitat Suitability Modeling (e.g. MaxEnt)

  • Geneland, Structure, BAPS

  • Least-cost Path, IBD, Circuitscape

  • MLPE modeling

  • ArcGIS (Advanced)

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